18 March 2011

Raised beds!

New raised beds
Houston, we have raised beds!  I finally had some luck and had great weather on my day off, and took advantage of it to get the raised beds built (well, two of them anyway...)  I bought the supplies back in November, but never got around to getting them built before the ground froze.  Two out of three isn't bad, for my first time.  All that leaves is Rohan's bed, which hopefully will get completed this weekend.  Monday the compost I ordered should arrive, and the beds can get filled and ready for planting!  But boy, am I sore!

10:00 -Future site of raised beds

Lumber yard

High-tech factory

The initial lower frame for the first bed

First bed with corner posts and stakes

2:00 - One down, two to go!

The second bed is framed and staked
5:00 - Two down!

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