26 March 2011

Slow week

While spring officially arrived last Sunday, someone forgot to tell Mother Nature!  It hasn't gotten much above 40 all week, and lows at night are still in the low to mid twenties. :(  So I haven't braved putting anything out, and, until today, I didn't even get to finish Rohan's bed.  We had around an inch of snow again on Wednesday, and more expected this coming week.  In fact, the forecast for the next week is much the same as the last, around 15 degrees below normal.

If it weren't for the seedlings making their own progress, there would be none at all for this week.  As it is, the broccoli are getting ginormous, and I bought some 3" peat pots to stick them in tomorrow since I have no idea when I'll actually get them in the ground.  I'm not crazy about peat pots, and haven't had much luck with them before, but it's all I could find today.  Hopefully the plants survive the potting up and transplanting again once the weather turns.

The leeks are also getting large, but they are sloooow growing.  In these shots, you can also see the tomatoes are making good progress, as well as the lettuce, bok choi, and swiss chard.  All of the herbs except for the dill seem to be real slow growers as well.
Bok Choi and Swiss Chard

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